Jadi, begini. Ceritanya saya mau jadi freelancer. Itu tuh, pekerja lepas, yang tak terikat dengan perusahaan atau kantor mana pun. Keren dong, bisa punya uang banyak, kerja sesukanya, tak harus ngantor setiap pagi pulang sore atau malam hari. Dan… siapa tahu bisa memiliki penghasilan 150-200 juta per bulan seperti yang saya baca di galur waktu Twitter atau berita di media online. Siapa yang tak mau seperti itu?
Untuk merealisasikan hasrat saya itu, mendaftarlah saya ke sebuah situs untuk orang-orang yang bermaksud jadi freelancer. Setelah melengkapi semua persyaratan, mulailah saya mencari pekerjaan sesuai minat saya di situs itu. Hanya satu pekerjaan yang saya lamar malam itu, yaitu data entry. Setelah itu saya tidur. Paginya laptop saya nyalakan dan olala… saya dapat pesan via inbox email dari pemberi kerja atau disebut employer bernama hijabshop. Lamaran saya diterima. Bunyi pesan itu seperti ini.
**This is simple word typing job where u can earn $700-$1200/month
***Try to do daily minimum 2k=2000 correct entry
***I will pay you after 7k=7000 correct entry weekly or monthly
** Here bellow i have given you two projects .But 1st project is very high rate than 2nd project .
1st project only for night time 12pm to 8am (GMT+6)and 2nd project for all time .
1st project:
Follow the Instruciton steps-by-step to start work Very Carefully.
Go to the site/link:
Enter Team Name & User Name:
Team Name: itsol
User Name: itsol10
Working Instruction:
After entering the site u can see at the top of the browser
Just click on this words to get new working window
In this new window image/code will come and you have to type correctly
Code/image is not case sensitive, So type all code/image is smaller.
You must space between two code/image.*** working time: ****
You can work any time but Best working time: 12pm to 8am (GMT+6)
**Rate & payment method:
Your targat weekly 7k=7,000 (Right Entry)
1k=1000Entry = $20
Try to do daily 1k=$20 and weekly 7k=$150 or monthly 30k=$700(more entry more earning)
After complete min 7K entry please inform me and also tell me your payment method.
I will pay you via Moneygram/paypal/freelancer/odesk/Bkash/webmoney.
***********Important Questions And Answer:**************
Why My Entry Is Zero(0). Server Reset In Every day at 12pm. Your All Entry Is Saved Don’t Worry.
So if you agree then please start work from tonight and try to work specially during 12pm to 6am
Wish you all the best
Thanks and RegardsAdmin
2nd Project:
**This is simple word typing job where u can earn $360-$750/month.
***Try to do daily minimum 2k=2000 correct entry.
***I will pay you after 10k=10,000 correct Entry weekly .
Follow the Instruciton steps-by-step to start work Very Carefully.Step 1:
Go to this link:
Download Qlink Client(software)(only 1st time )
Extract or unzip this Downloaded file
Enter to the extracted/unzipped file and click on “qlink” icon
Step 2:
Enter Username & Pass given to you:
UserName :roxy10
Password :1After Entering ID & pass software will start running
TO start typing click on ” Start(enter)” button
Best Working time: 6pm to 6am(GMT+6 or South Asian time)Night time**Rate & payment method:
Your targat weekly 10k=10,000 (Right Entry)
1k=1000Entry = $12
Try to do daily 1k=$12 and weekly 10k=$120 or monthly 30k=$360(more entry more earning)
After complete min 10K entry please inform me and also tell me your payment method.
I will pay you via Moneygram/paypal/freelancer/odesk/Bkash/webmoney.
Step 4:
Now, Image/code will start to come simultaneously
Start typing one after another correctly
Use all small letter to type and use a space between two image.
***IF the image is case-sensitive then type the image accordingly small-capital letter
If you want to stop work then press “ctrl+Enter”
close the windowStep 5:
To check Entry Total:
Go to the link:
Close the software Download page(Top right corner “close” button)
Enter ID & Pass
Click “Details & stat” Button
Here u can see ur all correct & incorrect entriesThanks and Regards
Hebat, kan? Saya bakal menerima penghasilan sebesar USD 1.950 atau sekitar 19 juta rupiah bila dua proyek itu saya selesaikan. Dengan semangat, jam dua malam saya mulai mengerjakan proyek itu karena sesuai instruksi proyek pertama harus mulai dikerjakan setelah tengah malam. Kubukalah URL yang disebutkan: http://teams.ratb.net/login/. Muncul tampilan seperti terlihat di bawah ini. Team Name dan User Name saya tulis sesuai yang diberikan: itsol dan itsol10.
Ambil nafas dulu. Tulisan ini nanti dilanjut lagi. 😉
lanjut dong pak tulisannya.
@lutfi: rencananya memang mau dilanjut. 🙂
Lanjutannya mana gan? Soalnya saya juga sama nih. Dengan semangat 45 sudah mulai. Harganya 7K = $30.
@Lintang Sunu: lanjutannya belum dibuat.
tulisannya masih blm dilanjut pak?
@Dede Misbahudin: nunggu mood buat melanjutkan tapi gak muncul-muncul. 😀
yah ko bersambung sih pak :0, visit balik ya
@Tommy Alhamra: sudah ngantuk, jadi disambung kalau sudah melek lagi. Siap, akan ditengok balik. 😉