Enjoying the Exhibition


It’s always fun when we come to the exhibition. A lot of new things we can find in the exhibition. It can be new because it’s the first time we find the product or that’s really new one. Do you like going to the show?

Every time an exhibition is held, I always make time to come. Last exhibition I visited was The 18th Indonesia International Motor Show. A lot of interesting things I found in there.

Exhibition holding at the former Kemayoran airport attracted a lot of visitors. All kinds of people in that place enjoyed the show. Some of them were rich people with much money and interested in buying exhibited cars. For the have, the exhibition like this is a paradise that contains a complete and magnificent luxury car surrounded by its sales promotion girls.

Various local and import branded cars were displayed in exhibit booths. Each participant was exhibiting new and sophisticated cars. Most brands on display came from abroad. And that’s the preferred choice of visitors, both intending to buy and at least looking around first before deciding to spend money. At each exhibit booth, the owner spread the logo floor mats to welcome every visitor.

I having the opportunity to see the exhibition also was interested. No, not new and luxurious cars which attracted me, but others. There were three things that caught my attention and it had nothing to do with cars that were being exhibited for sale. First, I was enamored with some vintage cars (antique) also shown near the entrance to the exhibition building. Some pictures and banners hanging from decorative truss explained details of any antique car that was in place. Second, a robot made of car parts such as the Transformers movie. Many children were fighting over their pictures taken in front of the robot car. Third, and this was the most interesting part of the exhibition for most visitors, sexy beautiful sales promotion girls who become angels of exhibition heaven. They stood next to the trade show displays to welcome every visitor who comes into their booth.

So, what things can make you enjoy the exhibition?



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